Detections (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions about false or missing detections.

Why is there no data for a specific timeline?

I have installed the app less than 3 days ago Our platform needs a certain amount of data before we can start identifying your events, moments & segments correctly. Please make sure you've been tracking with the permissions set correctly for at least a few days. Specific venues, like home and work, could take up to a week to detect correctly.

I have installed the app more than 3 days ago Make sure your device has the required specifications. The device must have an accelerometer at the least and it is best if it also has a gyroscope present. Make sure you've given the right permissions.

Also, specific android devices may require whitelisting. If none of this works or you need more information, contact for assistance.

Why is a trip incorrectly or not at all detected?

When a trip is incorrectly detected or not detected at all, it might be because:

  • The phone was in flight mode during the trip.

  • The trip was very short in duration (< 3 min).

  • The trip was very short in distance (< 2 km or 1.25 mi).

  • The phone was in battery-saving mode during the trip.

  • The app did not get the required permissions (always-on) during the trip.

Why was phone usage falsely detected during a trip?

Our algorithm that detects phone usage while driving might sometimes detect phone usage when the phone is moving in the pocket while driving, or when it hits a sequence of speed bumps. We optimize for precision. i.e. it should happen less than 10% of the time. \

Last updated