Using Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift, which simplifies adding 3rd-party frameworks to your projects. See the Adding Package Dependencies page on the Apple developer docs for more details.


  1. In your Xcode project, go to File -> Add Packages.

  2. In the search bar, enter the URL below:
  1. Select sentsdk-package from the results.

  2. Choose "Up to Next Minor Version" as the Dependency Rule, and enter the target SDK version.

  3. Select your project from the "Add to Project" section, and click Add Package. Wait for the product selection dialog to load.

  4. From the dialog, select SENTSDK, and optionally the other products (see next section).

  5. Finally, in your project build settings, add the following to the Other Linker Flags: -lz, -lc++, and -all_load.

Swift Package Products

The Swift Package defines some Sentiance SDK dependencies as individual products. These include:

  • UnzipKit: the UnizipKit code, packaged as an XCFramework.

  • ProtocolBuffersObjC: the ProtocolBuffers Obj-C code, packaged as an XCFramework.

  • TensorFlowLiteC: Sentiance's custom TensorFlowLiteC XCFramework, supporting M1 simulators.

These dependencies must be met in order for your app to build successfully. If your app already includes a compatible version of a dependency, you can omit it when adding the Sentiance SDK package.

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