
This page lists the dependencies of the Sentiance iOS SDK. These dependencies are bundled as XCFramework packages within the umbrella SDK XCframework, which you can utilize when doing a manual integration. For CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager integrations, they are added as external or additional dependences.

TensorFlowLiteC v2.7.0

Integration Method


The Sentiance SDK podspec references the official Pod hosted on CocoaPods. It does not support ARM simulators. You have the option of using Sentiance's repackaged framework instead.


There is no official Swift package. The Sentiance package references a Sentiance-hosted framework, which is a repackaged version that support ARM simulators too.


A custom repackaged version of the framework is used, which also supports ARM simulators.

ProtocolBuffers (ObjectiveC) v3.18.3

Integration Method


The Sentiance SDK podspec references the official Pod hosted on CocoaPods.


There is no official Swift package. The Sentiance package references a Sentiance-hosted framework v3.18.3-p, which is a packaged version of the ProtocolBuffers source code, with an added Apple Privacy Manifest file.


A Sentiance-packaged framework, v3.18.3-p, built from the ProtocolBuffers source code, with an added Apple Privacy Manifest file.

UnzipKit v1.9

Integration Method


The Sentiance SDK podspec references the official Pod hosted on CocoaPods.


There is no official Swift package. The Sentiance package references a Sentiance-hosted framework, which is a packaged version of the UnzipKit source code.


A Sentiance-packaged framework, built from the UnzipKit source code.

Other Frameworks

Apart from the frameworks mentioned above, all variants of the Sentiance SDK XCFramework include mpde.xcframework and dskoball.xcframework under the framework's External directory_,_ which must always be added to your project during manual integrations (done automatically for CocoaPods and SPM integrations).

Last updated