7. Permissions

To do proper detections, the Sentiance SDK requires a few permissions to be granted by the user at application runtime. The SDK does not ask for these permissions itself. Instead, after explaining to the user why you need each permission, you should present the permission dialogs as part of your application's onboarding flow.


To collection location data in the background, the SDK requires the always location permission. additionally, Precise Location must be enabled in the app's location settings.

Motion & Fitness

To collect motion activity data, the SDK requires the Motion & Fitness permission.

Permission Considerations

Apple provides some useful tips about Requesting Permissions as part of their Human Interface Guidelines.

In addition to that, below are the things to consider for an optimal user experience:


  • Request personal data only when your app clearly needs it.

  • Explain why your app needs the information.

    • When the application requests permission for background locations or motion activities, a message will be shown to the user. You must configure this message by setting the value for the following keys in Info.plist

      • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription

      • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription

      • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription

      • NSMotionUsageDescription


  • Request permission at launch only when necessary for your app to function.

  • Use the system-provided alerts.


Don’t request location information unnecessarily.

Last updated