React Native

[6.10.1] - 7 Feb 2025


  • Add missing occupant role info to Typescript definitions.

[6.10.0] - 7 Feb 2025

Upcoming Changes in the Next Release

Starting from v6.11, planned for the end of February 2025, the following changes will come into effect:

  1. Minimum supported iOS version for SDK detections will change from 13.0 to 15.0. You can still target iOS 13.0 for your app builds, however, detection will not be possible, and the SDK initialization will fail.

  2. Minimum Supported Android API level for SDK detections will change from 23 to 24 (i.e. from Android 6 to 7). You can still target API level 23 for your app builds, however, detections will not be possible, and the SDK initialization will fail.


  • A new driving insights feature for detecting the occupant role of the user during car transports (i.e. driver vs passenger). The occupant role is available at the end of a transport, in the TransportEvent.

  • A feedback API, for providing feedback on the detected occupant role of the user during car transports. The feedback is used on the device to improve the accuracy of future detections.

  • Support for assigning tags to transports. A tag is a key-value which can be assigned to an ongoing or future transport. The tags are included in the retrieved TransportEvent, after the transport has ended.

  • Waypoints in phone usage, call-while-moving, and harsh driving events. These waypoints indicate the segments of the transport where the corresponding event occurred. Some waypoints can be synthetic.

  • A driving insights API for retrieving the average 'overall' safety score of the user, over a period of the last 7, 14, or 30 days.

  • ​Type and confidence information to harsh driving events. A type is categorized as acceleration, braking, or cornering.


  • A bug on iOS where the bicycle transport mode is exposed with a value of BYCICLE instead of BICYCLE.

  • A bug on the user context module's addUserContextUpdateListener Typescript API where the delivered user context object was of the wrong type. It was previously UserContext, now it's UserContextUpdate.

[6.9.0] - 4 Oct 2024


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.9.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.9.

[6.8.0] - 5 July 2024


  • New smart-geofences module to support Smart Geofences. You can use Smart Geofences to monitor points of interest, and get notified of entries and exits. See here about the feature and its build dependencies, and here for some sample code.


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.8.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.8.

  • Updated the Android compileSdk and targetSdk versions to 34, for all packages.

  • Android: the Segment Detection feature is now activated when you add a dependency on the user-context package. Previously, you needed to additionally add com.sentiance:sdk-lifestyle as a dependency to your Android app. This is no longer needed.

[6.7.1] - 22 Apr 2024


  • Fixed type nonconformity of the UserContext Segment attributes on iOS. Attributes are now returned as an array of attribute objects, instead of a dictionary, in accordance with the type definition.

[6.7.0] - 5 Apr 2024


  • A new API method for controlling whether the SDK is allowed to use mobile data for uploading/downloading configuration and detection data.

  • Support for isLocationAvailable SDK status property for iOS.


[6.6.0] - 5 Jan 2024


  • A new event-timeline package, which can be use to query for historic transport and stationary events detected directly on the device, in addition to subscribing for real-time event updates. See the how-to guide here. The event timeline generation is part of Sentiance's on-device features, which must be enabled by Sentiance before use.


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.6.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.6.

[6.5.1] - 13 Oct 2023


  • Call-while-moving safety score, which is computed using phone calls that are detected during vehicular transports. Corresponding call-while-moving events can be retrieved via the Driving Insights API.

  • Legal driving safety score, which is computed using the traveled speed information during vehicular transports, in addition to the use of speed limit information that is downloaded and stored offline by the SDK. Corresponding speeding events can be retrieved via the Driving Insights API.

  • Overall safety score, which is computed using the other safe driving scores.


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.5. This version adds support for targeting Android 14. Have a look at the corresponding Android changelog for important app-impacting changes.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.5.

[6.4.0] - 10 Jul 2023

Production Readiness Update

In this release, the following features have been promoted from Early Access to Production Ready:

  • Transport classification

  • Home & work detection

  • User segment detection

  • User's current context information

See our On-Device Features page for more information about these features. Detailed overview of feature production readiness can be found on this page.

This version includes breaking changes for some Early Access features.


  • HarshDrivingEvent now provides separate start and end dates, instead of a single event date.


  • Phone usage detection during vehicular transports. This feature is part of the on-device Driving Insights feature. It uses a custom machine learning model to accurately detect phone usages. The detected events can be obtained using the getPhoneUsageEvents.

  • Focused driving safety score, which is calculated by taking into account the detected phone usage events during vehicular transports. See here.


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.4.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.4.

  • The iOS Podspec path is now '../node_modules/@sentiance-react-native/core'. Please update your Podfile if necessary.


  • Multiple compatibility issues with React Native 0.65+.

  • Autolinking for iOS projects. With this fix, you no longer need to manually specify the iOS pod dependency in your Podfile.

[6.3.1] - 7 Apr 2023


  • A new Driving Insights feature, which provides information about a user's driving behaviour. In this first version, the SDK detects harsh driving events (e.g. acceleration, braking, and turning), which are then used to compute a vehicular transport's smooth driving score. This data is available via the new DrivingInsights package, which allows the subscription to, and retrieval of DrivingInsights and HarshDrivingEvents. This feature must be enabled by Sentiance before use.

  • A short history of locations inside CrashEvent, which represent the preceding locations leading up to the crash event.


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.3.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.3.


  • BREAKING: a number of user segments that are no longer supported.

[6.2.3] - 1 Feb 2023


  • Updated the target Sentiance Android SDK version from 6.2.0 to 6.2.+.

[6.2.0] - 9 Jan 2023

This version includes breaking changes for some Early Access features.


  • Transport waypoint and distance information to TransportEvent, which is part of the event list returned in UserContext. Both waypoints and distance are based on unprocessed (i.e. raw) location data.

  • Venue information inside StationaryEvent, which is part of the events list returned in UserContext.

  • Venue significance and venue type information inside the Venue type.

  • Semantic time information inside to UserContext type.


  • BREAKING: startTimeEpoch and endTimeEpoch properties of objects returned part of the UserContext are now of type 'numeric', instead of 'string', and represent the Unix epoch time in milliseconds.

  • BREAKING: longitude, latitude and accuracy properties of an EventLocation object returned part of the UserContext are now of type 'numeric', instead of 'string'.

  • BREAKING: the EventLocation type of the UserContext has been renamed into GeoLocation.

  • Corrected the misspelled BICYCLE TransportMode type in the user context type definition file.

  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.2.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.2.

  • Updated the isBatterySavingEnabled and isActivityRecognitionPermGranted fields of the SdkStatus to cover iOS as well. (previously Android only)


  • BREAKING: the venueSignificance and venueCandidates properties from the UserContext type have been removed. VenueCandidate and Visit classes have also been removed.

  • BREAKING: venue name and labels properties are removed from Venue.

[6.1.2] - 3 Nov 2022


  • Typescript definition for UserCreationOptions in the core package.

  • npm i installing an older beta package instead of latest stable, when no version is specified.

[6.1.1] - 30 Sep 2022

This version includes breaking changes for some Early Access features.


  • Diagnostic API for monitoring vehicle crash detection. See here.

  • App-configurable rules to control SDK data transmission to the Sentiance Cloud Platform. The app can specify which of the following data types are allowed to be transmitted to the Sentiance platform: vehicle crash data, SDK and device info, general detection data, all data. See here.

  • Support for car, bus, train, and tram/metro transport mode detection, part of the user's current context information.


  • Updated the Sentiance Android SDK dependency to version 6.1.

  • Updated the Sentiance iOS SDK dependency to version 6.1.


  • BREAKING: vehicle and rail transport modes from the user's current context information

[6.0.3] - 30 Aug 2022


  • The module names in the type definition files.

  • Starting and stopping a trip on iOS via the core package.

[6.0.2] - 16 Aug 2022


  • Relax the target Sentiance SDK versions, to include patches.

[6.0.1] - 1 Aug 2022

Breaking Changes

Version 6.0 is a major release and includes multiple deprecations and breaking changes. Please read our migration guide to learn how to update to this version.

Given the significance of the changes in this version, we recommend testing your app carefully, before making it available to your wider audience.


  • A function to check if a user exists on the device or not.

  • Detection enabling and disabling functions that are persistent across app restarts, and that replace the SDK's start and stop functions.

  • userExists and isUserLinked functions that are accessible without having to initialize the SDK.

  • setAppSessionDataCollectionEnabled(enabled)

  • isAppSessionDataCollectionEnabled()

  • A Sentiance user creation function that supports the existing user-linking flow, and a new authentication-code based flow. The new flow is the recommended approach for future integrations.

  • A linkUser function that supports linking a user following the existing user-linking flow.

  • A linkUserWithAuthCode function that supports linking a user following the new authentication-code flow.

  • An addSdkStatusUpdateListener function that supports registering listeners to get notified of SDK status updates without having to manually register a listener to the corresponding native device event.

  • An addTripTimeoutListener function that supports registering listeners to get notified of SDK trip timeouts without having to manually register a listener to the corresponding native device event.

  • An addSdkUserActivityUpdateListener function that supports registering listeners to get notified of SDK user activity updates without having to manually register a listener to the corresponding native device event.

  • An addVehicleCrashEventListener function that supports registering listeners to get notified of SDK vehicle crash events without having to manually register a listener to the corresponding native device event.

  • User Context information, which can be requested or subscribed for, and which includes a user's recent timeline events, the home and work locations (if detected), and a user's segments (if detected). This feature is released as Early Access and must be enabled by Sentiance first. For more information about it, see our On-Device Features page.


  • Renamed getUserAccessToken to requestUserAccessToken

  • Changed the return type of the reset function from boolean to ResetResult

  • Changed the return type of addUserMetadataField, addUserMetadataFields, removeUserMetadataField, disableBatteryOptimization , listenUserActivityUpdates , startTrip, stopTrip, submitDetections, updateSdkNotification from Promise<boolean> to Promise<void>.

  • Moved the listenVehicleCrashEvents, invokeDummyVehicleCrash, isVehicleCrashDetectionSupported functions to a separate crash-detection module.

  • Bumped the target Android Sentiance SDK version to 6.0

  • Bumped the target iOS Sentiance SDK version to 6.0


  • init(appId, secret, baseURL, shouldStart)

  • initWithUserLinkingEnabled(appId, secret, baseURL, shouldStart)

  • start()

  • startWithStopDate(stopEpochTimeMs)

  • stop()

  • isNativeInitializationEnabled()

  • enableNativeInitialization()

  • disableNativeInitialization()

  • isThirdPartyLinked()

  • getValueForKey(key, defaultValue)

  • setValueForKey(key, value)

  • userLinkCallback(success)

  • listenUserActivityUpdates()

  • listenTripTimeout()

Last updated