Represents the failure reason of a smart geofences refresh call.
networkUsageRestricted | Failed to refresh the monitored geofences due to network usage being restricted. In most cases, this means the device is connected to a mobile data network, but you have disabled mobile data network usage using the setIsAllowedToUseMobileData(Bool) API. |
networkError | A network error was encountered when attempting to refresh the monitored geofences. |
serverError | A server error was encountered when attempting to refresh the monitored geofences. |
tooManyFrequentCalls | The application tried to refresh the list of monitored geofences more than once within the last 30 seconds. |
featureNotEnabled | The feature is not enabled for your app. |
unexpectedError | An unexpected error occurred. Check the corresponding SmartGeofencesRefreshError object's details property for more info. |
Last updated