Indicates the SDK initialization failure reason.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS | Your app ID and secret could not be used to create a Sentiance user account. Make sure they are correct, and try again. |
CHANGED_CREDENTIALS | The app ID and/or secret have changed. The Sentiance SDK does not support changing app credentials. If this was intentional, uninstall the app (or clear the data) and retry. |
SERVICE_UNREACHABLE | An issue was encountered while trying to reach the Sentiance API. Make sure your internet connection is working and retry. |
LINK_FAILED | An issue was encountered when trying to link the installation ID to the meta-user. |
REMOTE_DISABLED | This user was remote disabled. If this is not what you expect, double check the rollout settings of your Sentiance app. |
INITIALIZATION_ERROR | Initialization was aborted due to an unexpected exception or error. |
SDK_RESET_IN_PROGRESS | Initializing the SDK is not allowed while a reset operation is in progress. |
Last updated