Event Timeline
Note that some event timeline features are in Early Access, specifically the ones related to venue-type determination.
declare module "@sentiance-react-native/event-timeline" {
import {EmitterSubscription} from "react-native";
export interface Event {
id: string;
startTime: string;
startTimeEpoch: number; // in milliseconds
lastUpdateTime: string;
lastUpdateTimeEpoch: number; // in milliseconds
endTime: string | null;
endTimeEpoch: number | null; // in milliseconds
durationInSeconds: number | null;
type: EventType;
// stationary event fields
location: GeoLocation | null;
venue: Venue | null;
// transport event fields
transportMode: TransportMode | null;
waypoints: Waypoint[];
distance?: number; // in meters
transportTags: TransportTags;
occupantRole: OccupantRole;
export interface GeoLocation {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
accuracy: number;
export interface Venue {
location: GeoLocation | null;
significance: VenueSignificance;
type: VenueType;
export type VenueType =
export type VenueSignificance =
| "HOME"
| "WORK"
export type EventType =
export type TransportMode =
| "TRAM"
| "CAR"
| "BUS"
export type OccupantRole =
export type OccupantRoleFeedback = Exclude<OccupantRole, "UNAVAILABLE">;
export type OccupantRoleFeedbackResult =
export interface Waypoint {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
accuracy: number; // in meters
timestamp: number; // UTC epoch time in milliseconds
speedInMps?: number; // in meters per second
speedLimitInMps?: number; // in meters per second
hasUnlimitedSpeedLimit: boolean;
isSpeedLimitInfoSet: boolean;
isSynthetic: boolean;
export type TransportTags = { [key: string]: string };
export interface SentianceFeedback {
submitOccupantRoleFeedback(transportId: string, occupantRoleFeedback: OccupantRoleFeedback): Promise<OccupantRoleFeedbackResult>;
export interface SentianceEventTimeline {
getTimelineUpdates(afterEpochTimeMs: number): Promise<Event[]>;
getTimelineEvents(fromEpochTimeMs: number, toEpochTimeMs: number): Promise<Event[]>;
getTimelineEvent(eventId: string): Promise<Event | null>;
addTimelineUpdateListener(onTimelineUpdated: (event: Event) => void): Promise<EmitterSubscription>;
* Sets the tags that will be assigned to a detected transport.
* @remarks
* The provided tags will be assigned to a transport at the moment the transport ends. When you
* receive an {@link Event} representing the ended transport, it will include these tags.
* The supplied tags are persisted and applied to future transports, even after the app is restarted.
* By calling this method again, you will replace the tags that will be assigned to future transports.
* You can include up to 6 tags (key-value pairs), and each tag component (key or value) must
* be at most 256 characters.
* @example Setting custom transport tags
* try {
* await SentianceEventTimeline.setTransportTags({
* key1: "value1",
* key2: "value2"
* });
* console.log('Transport tags have been set.');
* } catch (error) {
* if (error instanceof TransportTagsError) {
* console.error(`Failed to set transport tags: ${error.message}`);
* } else {
* console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
* }
* }
* @param tags The transport tags to set
* @throws TransportTaggingError if the supplied tags count is more than 6, or if one of the tag components exceeds
* the 256 characters limit.
setTransportTags(tags: TransportTags): Promise<void>;
sentianceFeedback: SentianceFeedback;
* @deprecated Use SentianceEventTimeline instead.
export type EventTimelineApi = SentianceEventTimeline;
const sentianceEventTimeline: SentianceEventTimeline;
export default sentianceEventTimeline;
Last updated