Manual Integration
1. Download the SDK
Download the latest umbrella Sentiance iOS SDK.
2. Import the Framework
After you've downloaded and unzipped the SDK, import it as a linked library in your Xcode project:
Go to the General tab of your target settings.
Click the + button under the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content heading.
Click Add Other and then Add Files.
Choose the Sentiance XCFramework file and click Open.
After the item has been added to the list, change the Embed option next to the framework to Do Not Embed.
Depending on your Xcode setup, it might be required to add the following libraries: libz.tbd (previously libz.dylib), CoreMotion, SystemConfiguration, CoreLocation, Foundation, CallKit, CoreTelephony, CoreData.
3. Include the Bundles
Include the SDK and Protobuf bundles in your project:
Go to the Build Phases tab of your target settings.
Expand the Copy Bundle Resources row and click the + button.
Choose the SENTSDK.bundle file located inside the SENTSDK library.
Next, choose the Protobuf_Privacy.bundle file located inside the Protobuf library.
4. Import the Dependencies
The SDK XCFramework bundles all its necessary dependencies under the External directory. For each dependency, do the following:
Go to the General tab of your target settings.
Click the + button under the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content heading.
Click Add Other and then Add Files.
Go to the Frameworks folder inside the Sentiance framework, select the dependency .xcframework file and click Open.
After the item has been added to the list, update the Embed option next to the framework as follows:
Do Not Embed
Do Not Embed
Embed & Sign
Embed & Sign
Embed & Sign
5. Update the Build Settings
Go to the Build Settings tab of your target settings.
Look for Other Linker Flags in the Linking section.
, and-lc++
Last updated