Wrapper class for the user creation parameters including the credentials and the linker object.
Sentiance app ID that should be used when creating a user. Returns nil if it wasn't set.
Sentiance app secret that should be used when creating a user. Returns nil if it wasn't set.
Authentication code that should be used when creating a user. Returns nil if it wasn't set.
User linker that should be invoked during the user creation process. Returns nil if it wasn't set.
Sentiance platform URL.
initWithAppId: secret: linker:
Accepts Sentiance app credentials and a linker, to create a linked Sentiance user.
During the user creation process, the SDK will call the link method of the supplied SENTUserLinker, and will pass to it an installation ID. Your app must then forward this installation ID to the Sentiance backend (via your backend), and initiate user linking. Finally, when the linking completes, you must invoke the proper linker callback to complete the process.
Here are the complete steps:
Call this initializer and supply your Sentiance app credentials and a linker. Your linker will be invoked during the user creation process, and an installation ID will be supplied.
In your linker, forward the installation ID to your backend to initiate a linking request towards the Sentiance backend. This request will include the installation ID and your app's user identifier.
Retrieve the response from the Sentiance backend and forward the result to the app.
Based on the result, invoke the linker callback's success or failure method. The callback is supplied to your linker along with the installation ID. If it was successful, the SDK will confirm the result with the Sentiance backend to complete the user creation.
You can create an unlinked (anonymous) Sentiance user by specifying a nil linker. After doing so, you can link the user at a later time by calling linkUserWithLinker:completionHandler or linkUserWithAuthCode:completionHandler on the Sentiance class. However, note that linking this way has certain limitations. An unlinked user cannot be linked to an app user that already exists on the Sentiance Platform (i.e. with an app user identifier that you already supplied to Sentiance during a past linking request). You can only link to an app user that is new to Sentiance. This is because an existing app user will already have a corresponding Sentiance user on the platform, and that Sentiance user cannot be restored here anymore. To restore that user, you must reset the SDK and recreate a linked Sentiance user instead.
Your Sentiance App Id
Your Sentiance App secret
Linker invoked to initiate user linking
Accepts an authentication code, which will be used to create a linked Sentiance user.
The supplied authentication code is used to find the app user to link to during the user creation process. Therefore, before calling this method, make sure that you have obtained a valid code from the backend Sentiance API. This code request is authenticated using a Sentiance API key, which must never be transmitted to the app. Hence why the request must come from your backend.
Here are the complete steps:
Initiate an authentication code request via your backend towards the Sentiance backend. This request will include your app's user identifier, which will be temporarily coupled to the code that you will receive.
Retrieve the code in your app and supply it to this initializer.
Build and pass a SENTUserCreationOptions object containing this code to
to create a linked user. If the authentication code references an app user that exists on the Sentiance platform (i.e. an app user identifier that was previously supplied to Sentiance), its corresponding Sentiance user will be restored on this device. Any other SDK instance with this user will then get disabled.
a code obtained from the backend Sentiance API
Last updated