Releases follow the semantic versioning scheme, in the form of X.Y.Z where:
X stands for a major version
Y stands for a minor version
Z stands for a patch version
Bumping a specific version identifier indicates the type of release:
major release: bump the major version, e.g. 4.9.0 -> 5.0.0
minor release: bump the minor version, e.g. 4.9.0 -> 4.10.0
patch release: bump the patch version, e.g. 4.9.0 -> 4.9.1
The following guarantees are made with our releases:
breaking API changes for Production Ready features require major releases
breaking API changes for Early Access features can be made in minor releases
deprecated features are only removed in major releases
backwards compatible new features might be added to minor releases
existing features might be deprecated in minor releases
patch releases only contain bug fixes and improvements for existing features
Users of the SDK are encouraged to update to the latest available patch release at any time.
Last updated