
Releases follow the semantic versioning scheme, in the form of X.Y.Z where:

  • X stands for a major version

  • Y stands for a minor version

  • Z stands for a patch version

Bumping a specific version identifier indicates the type of release:

  • major release: bump the major version, e.g. 4.9.0 -> 5.0.0

  • minor release: bump the minor version, e.g. 4.9.0 -> 4.10.0

  • patch release: bump the patch version, e.g. 4.9.0 -> 4.9.1

The following guarantees are made with our releases:

  • breaking API changes for Production Ready features require major releases

  • breaking API changes for Early Access features can be made in minor releases

  • deprecated features are only removed in major releases

  • backwards compatible new features might be added to minor releases

  • existing features might be deprecated in minor releases

  • patch releases only contain bug fixes and improvements for existing features

Users of the SDK are encouraged to update to the latest available patch release at any time.

Last updated