v6.x Framework Files

On this page, you'll find links to the v6.x SDK framework files. We provide the following variants of the SDK framework:


An SDK framework that additionally includes all its dependency frameworks within it. This variant is used for manual integrations and referenced by our Carthage spec.

You can download the Umbrella framework by using the following URL, after replacing the version markers with the desired SDK version:



An SDK framework that additionally includes other Sentiance-built dependency frameworks within it. This variant is referenced by the SDK's CocoaPods spec. Additional dependencies are defined in the spec as CocoaPods dependencies.

You can download the Thin framework by using the following URL, after replacing the version markers with the desired SDK version:



An SDK framework that does not include other frameworks within it. This variant is referenced by our Swift Package. Dependency frameworks are included in the Swift Package definition as binary targets, or dependency Swift Packages (if supported).

You can download the SPM framework by using the following URL, after replacing the version markers with the desired SDK version:


No CallKit

Similar to the Umbrella framework, but excludes CallKit. This variant is intended to be used when making your app available in territories where CallKit usage is not allowed. With this variant, some features, such as distracted driving detection, may be impacted.

You can download the No CallKit framework by using the following URL, after replacing the version markers with the desired SDK version:


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