via Offloads

Sentiance provides data offloads with driving insights to the clients on a daily basis.

What are offloads

The Sentiance platform provides multiple ways to access and analyse your end-users' data. The offloads are our take on a (csv) file based system. Offloads will usually contain all data for all of your users for a specific timeframe (by default this will be a 24-hour tumbling window.) More detailed descriptions of the fields and data are available below.

There are two main types of offloads: driving and sensor data. Click below for more info.

  • Transport offloads

    • Contain low-level transports data and driving behavior. Are usually offloaded on a daily basis.

  • Sensor data offloads

    • Contain sensor data from transports. Are usually offloaded on a continuous basis.

Note that while offloads will contain most of the core data we compute, it does not contain data such as predictions, coaching data, some fine grained fields, and so on.

Please consult with your Sentiance contact person to discuss the offloads before implementing.

What are offloads (continued)

Each day, one (or two) new folder(s) will appear under the client S3 directory, depending on whether the client has enabled sensor data offloads:

  • YYYY-MM-DD_0: contains transport offloads

  • YYYY-MM-DD: contains sensor data offloads

Each directory contains a list of gzipped CSV files. These contain transport information that was processed by the Sentiance platform on that date in UTC timezone. We guarantee that everything processed the previous day will be in the offload. There might be some transports of the current day already included in the offload of the previous day, those will not be repeated in the next offload.

Examples of all available transport offloads are available below:

Driver passenger

The driver passenger offload contains a list of transports, together with a corresponding prediction of driver or passenger (of the mobile user).

Driving events (all)

This offload file contains a list of transports, together with their corresponding lists of all driving events. The following driving events are available:

  • accelerating events

  • phone handling events

  • turning events

  • mounted events

  • braking events

  • speeding events

  • call events

  • screen events

All driving events for transports are included in this offload.

Driving events (significant)

This offload file contains a list of transports, together with their corresponding lists of significant driving events. The following driving events are available:

  • accelerating events

  • phone handling events

  • turning events

  • mounted events

  • braking events

  • speeding events

  • call events

  • screen events

Significant events are a subset of all events, and only driving events that fall under certain thresholds are included (e.g. accelerations that have a high magnitude or calls that have a long duration).


Off-the-grids correspond to segments of time when the user was offline and not sending data from their mobile device to our platform. For an explanation of the possible of the grid reasons see here.

Primary safety scores (transports)

These offloads contain a list of transports and their corresponding primary safety scores.

The primary safety scores available are:

  • legal

  • smooth

  • attention

  • overall

Secondary safety scores (transports)

These offloads contain a list of transports and their corresponding secondary safety scores.

The secondary safety scores available are:

  • focus

  • harsh acceleration

  • harsh braking

  • harsh turning

  • anticipation

  • mounted

Primary safety scores (users)

These offloads contain a list of users and their corresponding primary safety scores, based on their overall driving.

The primary safety scores available are:

  • legal

  • smooth

  • attention

  • overall

Secondary safety scores (users)

These offloads contain a list of users and their corresponding secondary safety scores, based on their overall driving.

The secondary safety scores available are:

  • focus

  • harsh acceleration

  • harsh braking

  • harsh turning

  • anticipation

  • mounted


Trajectories are information specific about the route that a transports followed. These offloads contain information such as the total distance traveled, the mapped waypoints of the transport, and the start and end addresses.


Transports represent the period of time a user moved from one venue to another. The transports offloads contain a list of transports and their corresponding predicted transport mode (e.g. car, train, bus, etc.), duration and top speed.

Last updated