Merging Scores for Motorcycles and Cars
Driving Insights are typically provided per transport mode in Insights Control Tower (ICT). Similarly, Engagement scores including Engagement Adaptive scores are accumulated separately per detected transport mode. However, for some use cases, it is important to combine results for different transport modes in Insights Control Tower or in the Engagement features. For example, instead of integrating with two different safety scores, one for car trips and one for motorcycle trips, it might be relevant to merge the scores for both transport modes into one single safety score for the user. This can specifically be useful when users are expected to regularly switch between a car and a motorcycle as transport mode, and there is value in profiling a general traffic behaviour regardless of the used vehicle.
For this purpose, Sentiance has built the Compound Results feature. This allows you to process derived results for car trips and motorcycle trips as if they originate from one single compound transport mode. Some examples:
The total number of compound trips in a certain time period is the sum of number of car trips and motorcycle trips in that time period.
The total mileage of compound trips in a certain time period is the sum of mileage for car trips and motorcycle trips in that time period.
Both car trips and motorcycle trips contribute to compound time-aggregated scores and Engagement Adaptive scores.
Note that all standard results, specific to only car trips and motorcycle trips, are still available as well. Currently only results for cars and motorcycles can be merged into compound results because they share the same scores attributes.
Compound Results feature must be enabled for your app by Sentiance, before you can start using it. Please reach out to our support team to enable the feature.
If you are interested to use this feature, please reach out to the Sentiance Support team with following information.
The display name for compound results in ICT, e.g. Multi Mode (default), Compound, Merged, Car+Motorcycle. For more information, see section #merged-scores-in-insights-control-tower below.
App Integration
This feature works with standard Sentiance SDK integrations and ICT setup. No additional changes need to be made on the app to enable the Compound Results feature.
If Engagement features are activated for your integration, then the Engagement transport scores can be consumed per user through the API with the filter transport_mode: COMPOUND
, next to the already existing transport mode filters. This allows you to show merged transport scores in your app, instead of separate scores for car trips and motorcycle trips.
Changes in Insights Control Tower
The Compound Results feature extends all ICT widgets, that have a filter per transport mode, with an additional choice to show merged results as well as Specific Modes
When Specific Modes
is selected, a single transport mode can be picked to show results only for that transport mode, like in any standard ICT integration.
When Multi Mode
is selected, the widget shows the merged results for car and motorcycle trips.
Last updated